10 Effective Tips To Prevent Tooth Decay Infographic
We all want a beautiful smile and it is important to maintain good oral hygiene for keeping your teeth healthy. Tooth decay can lead to severe problems and unbearable pain so it is always good to eat healthy food and do regular brushing after meals.
With this post Sydenortho - an orthodontic product and instrument supplier from India has tried to list some of the tips that when followed will help prevent tooth decay. So read some of the effective tips on how you can prevent tooth decay and get a beautiful shiny smile with healthy teeth.
Foods such as cakes, chips, candy, breads etc which contains carbohydrates (sugar & starch) when left on the teeth dissolve enamel surface of teeth. This result in dental decay also called as holes or cavities.
Tooth decay can affect both enamel
and dentin of the tooth.
Fluoride is one of the important mineral that helps protect the teeth. It can stop early tooth decay.
Fluoride is one of the important mineral that helps protect the teeth. It can stop early tooth decay.
How To Prevent Dental Decay?
We have created an infographic on how to prevent tooth decay which everyone should know about.